Creative Arts in Worship

Redeeming The Arts For Christ

Phase 1: Lecture

Grow In Your Relationship With God.
Learn To Use Your Art As Worship.

During lecture phase you will:

Phase one is three months at our campus in Boston and is focused on growing in your relationship with God and being equipped in your faith. Throughout the program you get to participate in weekly teachings from visiting speakers on foundational topics like Character and Nature of God, Biblical Worldview, Holy Spirit, etc. You will also get one on one discipleship, practice intercessory prayer, and learn how to share your faith with others. In the Creative Arts in Worship school you will also participate in classes specific to your chosen art elective each week as well as learning the Encounter production you will be performing during Outreach Phase.

Phase 2: Outreach

Take Your Art Into The World.
Transform Lives By Displaying The Gospel.

For the outreach phase of the Creative Arts in Worship DTS, you will embark on a 6 week tour across the U.S. with an original production called Encounter. This is a multi-media production that tells the story of God from before Creation through the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. As a student, you get to be a part of putting on this production and see people’s lives transformed by the Gospel message.

Following the 6-week tour, you will also get to experience a 2-week outreach overseas and get to minister to people in another country.

DTS Electives

Discover How To Use Your Passion For God

Encounter Jesus

Make lifetime friends

Share the gospel

Encounter Jesus • Make lifetime friends • Share the gospel •

The Details

Creative Arts in Worship DTS

Our Creative Arts in Worship DTS is for anyone who is interested in using their art as a form of worship and to share the gospel of Jesus.

Dates: September 26th, 2024 - March 21st, 2025

Location: Somerville, MA

Cost: $9,000

($4,500 for lecture, $4,500 for outreach)


  • A Discipleship Training School is a life changing program. You will be actively involved in our community and get to participate in amazing times of worship, prayer, and evangelism. Throughout your time in Boston you will learn from incredible speakers, get one on one discipleship, grow in your art form, and make lifelong friends along the way.

  • A lot of people fundraise to cover the cost of our programs. We want to help you put together an action plan for how you can raise the money for your school.

  • Your school fees cover your housing and meals throughout the week for the duration of the program. However, we recommend bringing a minimum of $1,200 for additional food, necessities, and optional activities. During outreach all meals, housing, transportation, and flights are included in your school fees.

  • Yes! We love having internationals a part of our program. After you fill out an application, we will do our best to help you apply for the correct visa required for you to attend the program. In order for you to have the best experience in our program, we require international applicants to be fluent in English (easily able to hold conversations and fully understand english speakers) in order to attend. We hope to see you soon!

  • We’ve got you covered! Most incoming students fly in and we will have someone come and pick you up from the airport. The only airport we can accommodate is Logan International Airport (BOS).

Have Questions?

Fill out the form below to connect with our DTS team

Phase 3: Bible Focus (Recommended)

Follow Up A DTS.
Let Scripture Transform Your Life.

Check out our secondary program and go through the entire Bible in three months.