Raising Up A Generation
Founded On The Word

Discipleship Bible School

About DBS

Let the Word transform your life

A Discipleship Bible School is a secondary program where you read and receive teaching on the entire Bible in just three months. We believe that having a strong biblical foundation is incredibly important, especially in a generation full of untruths.

Unlike many other Bible programs, a DBS is focused on revelation— not just education. While you will definitely learn about the context of the scriptures and receive in-depth teachings on the different eras of the Bible, we want to focus on letting the truth of God transform your life and then be reflected in how you live.


What To Expect

A Discipleship Bible School consists of two main parts— lectures and small groups. Each week you will receive incredible teachings from visiting speakers who share context, revelation, and insight into each book of the Bible respective to the era of study. Alongside of the lectures, you will be reading through the books of study for each week together with your small group, making your way through the entire Bible in just 12 weeks. This school is meant to immerse you into the Word in a transformative way and lay a foundation for your walk with the Lord wherever you go.

The Details

Discipleship Bible School

Our Discipleship Bible School is a secondary school for anyone who is interested in going deep into the scripture and discovering the word of God in a new and fresh way.

Dates: April 17th - July 11th, 2025

Location: Somerville, MA

Cost: $4,500


DBS Evening Edition

Interested in going through the Bible but don’t have time for DBS?

We have a special version of DBS called DBS Evening Edition that is in person/online once a week. Over the twelve week course, you are able to receive teachings on the Bible and read on your own time.